Originally posted by: confused1234
is there a way so i can see the 3d clocks so i know what im ocing too? i use ATT btw
Here is the best way I've found to oc the X1*** cards. Lots of people do it the same way with great success:
1) Use CAT 6.6 display drivers only (i.e. don't use CCC). I've heard that there are issues with the Cat 6.7s which is why I recommend the 6.6s. Reboot when prompted.
2) Install ATI Tray Tools
3) Install ATI Tool Beta 14
4) Disable the ATI Smart and ATI Hotkey services. You can find them under Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services (with Classic View) or Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools -> Services (using Category View). You can disable them by right-clicking on them, going to Properties, and then under "Startup Type" choose disable and apply. After disabling both services, reboot your computer.
5) You should be able to start ocing now. In ATI Tool go to the Settings tab and than to Voltage. Just try and find your max oc on stock volts which is 1.4 or 1.425V (I forget which) on the core (first of the four adjustments) and leave the rest the same. When finding your max oc, adjust the core up in 10MHz increments and test with the built in Artifact Scanner in ATI Tool. I usually let it run for 5+ minutes with no errors before I bump the core up again. You'll start seeing artifacts in the spinning, furry cube and it will also inform you that you've gotten errors when oced too far.
Now, you want to put the core back to stock and test the memory the same way. Once you've found the max of the memory, you can find the max of the core and mem together which is generally a little lower than either separately.
You'll get very close with the Artifact Scanner in ATI Tool but just be aware that the more intense games out (FEAR, Oblivion, etc.) might cause artifacting that the Scanner couldn't find. I had to bump my volts a tad to get FEAR to be artifact free.
I'd recommend that you don't go over 1.475-1.5V on the core with stock cooling. You can raise the mem values another .1-.15V and the VDDCI (last parameter) up to 1.496-1.5V if you have good airflow in your case. I'd also recomend manually setting the fan to ~75% (or whatever isn't annoying) to keep things cool. I wouldn't let core temps go over about 80C or so.
You can make a profile in ATI Tool that you can load up whenever you want to game. Since you disabled the two ATI services, you're card will remain at 2D speeds unless you oc it. I've heard that ATI Tool also allows you to have your profile detect a 3D app and switch to your oced settings automatically.
Another option is to find a bios that has the clocks near to what you want and flash to it. That will keep the two ATI services running and automatically switch from 2D to 3D when needed. The only problem with this is that your card might have more or less headroom than the available bioses allow.
I know this is rather rudimentary but I hope it helps.