x1600 pro pci-e 512MB

Jan 25, 2005
So, I was at everlan over this last weekend, and I participated in a contest that was pretty much who ever could do the grossest thing wins the video card. Well lets just say that I won and would rather not discuss what I had to do :|, but anyways the card that I won is the first ever engineering sample of the x1600 pro pci-e 512MB and it is signed by the engineer that produced the card with a 1/1 after the signature. What I would like to know is about how much it is worth.

If anyone here was at everlan and missed what I did, you missed a hellava show!


Senior member
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: AaronLien
So, I was at everlan over this last weekend, and I participated in a contest that was pretty much who ever could do the grossest thing wins the video card. Well lets just say that I won and would rather not discuss what I had to do :|, but anyways the card that I won is the first ever engineering sample of the x1600 pro pci-e 512MB and it is signed by the engineer that produced the card with a 1/1 after the signature. What I would like to know is about how much it is worth.

If anyone here was at everlan and missed what I did, you missed a hellava show!

its not really worth that much. maybee around $170-200


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2005
512 on that card is a waste PR team is having too much fun with this (our mid range now has 512mn of memory)