Wyoming motorcycle trip *with PICS*

Jan 18, 2001
I just got back from a motorcycle trip through Wyoming. My In-Laws have a cycle club called the Dirty 1/2 Dozen. We do a big trip about every other year, and this year we started in Ft. Collins where my cousin in law lives.

Got to stop at walmart before we can begin....

then up to Riverton, and on to Cody

We stopped in this town (named after me for some reason) for water...

East through the big horn mountains...

There were 8 of us on this trip....

then on to the black hills...

Me at Mount Rushmore...

Some kid started puking over the edge of the observation deck down to where we were, but I was laughing too hard to get a pic of the people he almost hit....

This poor girl humored us so we took her pic...

Then back to Ft Collins....long haul that day!

All in all it was great ride. We traveled on some great roads and we ate well, drank very well, and managed to get home in more or less the same condition we started off in. Only real mishap was when my rear brakes went out and we had to spend 3 hours fixing them. Luckily, the Four Seasons Sports Center was nice enough to let us into their garage. We had to retool the master cyclinder and replace the pads. I think my Father-in-law was trying to KILL me.



Dec 23, 2000
Cool :D

My parents just came home from a week trip on there Bike,

they went from my house.. (Pittsburgh AreA) Over to New York, Vermont, Conn.

They had a great time...

By the way there Bike is a Yamaha Road Star... Sweet Bike, Got it for an Excellent Deal...



Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Not enough pics of the bikes .. but from that walmart pic it looks like you guys have some mean cruisers!

/me wants honda shadow

oh yeah .. and

>start > programs > photoshop > "save for web" ;)
Oct 9, 1999
nice trip.... it looks like a lot of fun.

My brother and his friend is taking the MSF course soon. Another friend of my brothers has got a GSX-R750 but he is so short (like 5'2") that he hardly can touch the ground.. its too funny. He has to lower the bike. He bought it used and its got 25K of miles for a year old bike and its got lots of upgrades.. but its too funny the guy cant reach the ground..

I am hoping to go on a day trip to Mohavi Desert sometime in the next few weeks.