$ cvs login
Logging in toserver:myloginname@cvs.example.com:2401/usr/cvs/myproject
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.example.com(xxx.xx.xx.xxx):2401 failed: Connection refused
N.B. Substitued real IPs and whatnot for bogus data.
I don't get it -- I can get to it from two other machines using my login info, but not from my work laptop (primary machine for work, dang it). I've googled the heck out of this problem, and nobody seems to have the same exact problem (OK, so I looked every link in the first 2-3 pages of results...). The machines from which I can login successfully:
1) Linux box at work
2) my home PC using cygwin in XP
The problem laptop is using cygwin in win2k. CVS worked a few days ago, and now it pukes. Firewall is off, etc. Suggestions?
Edit: I suck at quoting.