People are saying that Marion Jones must have known her husband/coach was a user. They are saying she must also be a user. I think since she hasn't flunked a drug test, she shouldn't suffer for her husband's mistakes. Innocent until proven guilty works for me.
The late announcement is unfortunate. The announcement of CJ's flunked drug test should have been made when it was known-about 3 months ago. Otherwise, how will drug tests act as a deterrant to others? Announcing now taints the whole process and suggests it's being done only to shake up MJ.
However, even if Marion is using steroids, she probably won't be caught. As I recall (I'm not checking here so take this for what it's worth-an old man trying to remember!), testosterone levels in women may be as high as 50% of the average male levels and still pass the steroid testing protocol. The average female has, I believe, about 5% as much testosterone as men. However, because some women naturally produce high levels of testosterone, the 50% level is deemed fair. Obviously, this leaves plenty of room for women to take steroids and test clean. The evidence of steroid use in women includes: excessive nervousness and aggression, hirsutism, enlarged clitoris, reduction in breast size, and lower, raspy voice. Michelle Smith at the Atlanta Games in 1996 is an example. About 6 months before the games she started showing up at swim meets looking like an NFL linebacker. She must have had 16 inch "guns" on her. She was very hairy, and she could have easily sung an octave below Pavarotti. At age 26 she went from a ranking in the nether regions to world record breaking status. Very, very "suss". But, obviously, the athletic benefits for women are great.
By the way, although women have the most to gain (in pure athletic terms only), they have been less likely than male athletes to use steroids in particular. However with the rising availability of steroids, such as nandralone, and given all the cash on the line, we shouldn't be surprised if many more women than ever turn up "dirty".
MJ does not look like a steroid user, but she does look very muscular. She could have achieved that look with a serious weight program only. So, as I said, without a positive drug test, I don't think she should be labeled a drug user.