When I run The FSB/DRAM/PCI at 133/133/33 Sisoft Sandra reports that I am driving the AGP-port at 89 MHZ.
It seems that the system uses the 2/3 divider instead of 1/2.
Since I can´t change the divider manually I really need to know what to do to get the AGP back at the right speed (66 Mhz).
Also, as soon as I overclock the FSB over 133 Mhz the AGP changes from 4X to 2X, why?
I have a Asus v7700 GTS-card.
It seems that the system uses the 2/3 divider instead of 1/2.
Since I can´t change the divider manually I really need to know what to do to get the AGP back at the right speed (66 Mhz).
Also, as soon as I overclock the FSB over 133 Mhz the AGP changes from 4X to 2X, why?
I have a Asus v7700 GTS-card.