accroding to the New Testament except for unfaithfulness, that divorce is not allowed. And that if that man then goes on to marry again he is committing adultery, and thus voilating not only Jesus' word, but the 1 of the 10 commandments.
Divorce is awful on society as a whole , right ? It leaves broken families, and is certainly a casue for great instability.
It is banned by the NT so I imagine for many of you that would be enough, right ?
So tell me, if their was a vote to Ban Divorce , would you vote for it ?
Divorce is awful on society as a whole , right ? It leaves broken families, and is certainly a casue for great instability.
It is banned by the NT so I imagine for many of you that would be enough, right ?
So tell me, if their was a vote to Ban Divorce , would you vote for it ?