You know the problem with Vigilanteeism is that it can get carried away so quickly. And one can forget that the person being targeted for the "so called justice" or payback is a human being too. All too often even the victim has misidentified their attackers, or perpetrators and innocent people have been wrongly accused. So I would have a hard time saying yes, to this. However, if someone personally attacked me and I for a fact knew who it was, or I knew without a doubt, for a fact, conclusively who it was that attacked a family member of mine, or close friend I can't say those thoughts wouldn't cross my mind. I am human also with all the human emotions to boot.
I do believe in Karma... and have seen it work. I also know from first hand experience that some of the crimes that are committed such as mothers killing their babies, or other such type crimes, stem from a person who is/was severly mentally ill who never received the care or help they should have prior to them committing the sad and heinous crime. The signs of their mental instability were all there for all long time but family and friends did not take the appropriate action. So in effect I feel that it is the family and surrounding community and not just these mentally ill people who are at fault for these type crimes. Prevention and intervention is so important here.
Sometimes I wish our society would put more money and research into mental illness in this country and do more to fund the psychiatric hospitals and state psychiatric facilities to help people like this, or at the least keep these type people incarcerated indefinitely and away from the public should they have the potential to cause harm to themselves or others.