We have heard of CIA and US military "extraordinary rendition" teams which capture foreign citizens (sometimes innocent of all charges) off of the street in Europe and other foreign nations, with that foreign nation's approval, and whisk said person away to "undisclosed locations" for chargeless imprisonment and abuse, all in the name of "fighting terror."
Obviously, a person walking down the street confronted with this situation may easily think they are being kidnapped by criminals or terrorists.
What if a foreigner had a legal self defense weapon, and used deadly force to prevent themselves from being extraordinarily renditioned? Would you side with the foreign "terror suspect" in trying to protect their self? Or would you side with the US government agents who may or may not be capturing a very dangerous terrorist?
Obviously, a person walking down the street confronted with this situation may easily think they are being kidnapped by criminals or terrorists.
What if a foreigner had a legal self defense weapon, and used deadly force to prevent themselves from being extraordinarily renditioned? Would you side with the foreign "terror suspect" in trying to protect their self? Or would you side with the US government agents who may or may not be capturing a very dangerous terrorist?