Would you go SCSI HD and a T-Bird, Or a Palimino and a IDE HD

Informant X

Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
Hey, i have a choice here...
I can upgrade to a new mobo, and get a t-bird, and a nice new U160 SCSI card and a atlas 10K II hd, or i can go palimino with new mobo and ram and a ide HD. What would you do?


Senior member
Jun 16, 2001
I don't get it...the first choice is clearly more expensive than the second choice. The second choice just requires time, and shouldn't be more expensive than the first (minus the SCSI equipment). Anyways I can tell you that SCSI drivers tend to be pretty darn loud and hot compared to IDE drivers.

Informant X

Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
Well not really, the Palimino itself right now is like a 250, and the epox ddr mobo it'd need is more than the iwill board i'd get for the thunderbird. Plus the new DDR ram i'd need........

Informant X

Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
Oh yeah, and now the SCSI drives are pretty quiet, or so i hear. That Atlas 10K II is supposed to be pretty quiet.........


Jan 6, 2001
perhaps you should tell us what you will be using your pc mainly for in order to give a useful answer!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Informant X, if you do everyday activities (i.e. Gaming, Office Programs, Browsing the internet) then you really don't need the SCSI, and IDE should suite you just fine.

If you do intense stuff on computer like graphics design, video editing, CAD, or things along those lines, then I would go for the SCSI.

Those criteria should help you choose between SCSI and IDE.

As for choosing between the Tbird or Palomino, it's basically up to you and how long you want to wait for an upgrade. If you have a set amount of money, you can potentially go with the Tbird and with the money you save from not getting the Palomino you can get another piece of computer equipment (better video card, monitor, more RAM, etc etc etc).

If you are everyday user, then I would suggest that you go with IDE drives, and the Tbird since there really isn't any point in getting a Palomino except for bragging rights. ;) And save your money and spend it elsewhere. ;) :D


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2000
getting SCSI is probably too expensive to justify the performance difference between a fast IDE drive. I have an X15 and it's a lot noisier than the 75GXP i have next to it, but i gotten kinda used to it so i doesn't really matter to me. Getting SCSI won't help you much in games or anything so just get the Palomino. Or just upgrade now as Athlon 1ghz are about $100 and can go around 1.33 pretty easy. You can upgrade to Athlon 4 later when it's cheaper and when it gets plast 2ghz.