talk me into/out of it!
apartment is otherwise great. very big, very bright, good price, and a solid 30-45 minute drive to work... the downside is that it's on the 2nd floor above a restaurant.
the restaurant is a raw bar with good reviews on Google/Yelp/OpenTable. BYOB, open 6 days/week from 5 pm - 10 pm... tons of restaurants on the block we'd be living on, but they're all BYOB and about 4-5 blocks from the main drag in the town where all the bars/night life is (specifically, we'd be next to a butcher shop -- not attached to our perspective building -- and across the street from a Chinese restaurant, pizza shop, and a high-end French restaurant)
so, I'm not necessarily worried about noise or smells (their dinner menu has exactly 3 cooked items, the rest is all raw/salad-type stuff), but should the risks of rats/roaches make me run away?
update: signed the lease today after a super thorough inspection of the grounds on Saturday.
the apartment ended up being much bigger than it appeared in the online ad and it looks like the pictures online had been taken before a bunch of updates inside (brand new ceiling fans in every room, washer/dryer inside the apartment, bathroom remodel... only somewhat disappointing thing was that the kitchen was so bare-bones in such a huge kitchen; would have been a great place for a big fridge)
did a close inspection of the grounds, and it looks like the way the building is laid out, our apartment will be above the dining area and it's the studio apartment next door that will get any exhaust from the kitchens. the garbage bins were also a good +30' away from the building, which made me feel better, and the building owner apparently also owns/runs the dry cleaners next door, so presumably he's got some vested interest in the neighborhood not turning to shit... flashlight inspection of all the drawers/cabinets also revealed them to be clean of mice evidence.
went back to the restaurant for dinner around closing time last night and the crowd was pretty chill. seems like it's a date restaurant, not something that attracts a lot of dudebros hanging out.
now to get over the pain of having to shell out $6300 just to walk in the door :/ (broker fee, security deposit, first month's rent)
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