Wow - thanks for all of the responses; figured I was going to have to repost this in GH.
Zepper: Thanks for the link - I had completely forgotten about frontx. I'd really prefer to have internal audio headers (more on that later), but they look to have a pretty good offering.
As I'm trying to avoid any standard offerings, the Silvertone's were excluded - though they come close to meeting the reqs and look nice as well.
mechBgon: Ding ding! We have a winner. I can only guess that I missed the Inwin unit because it's stored under a different category than the rest of the add-ons due to it having a card readersl. My motherboard (Asus K8V) does have a 1394 header (2 actually), so that works well.
Thing is, I'm currently using a Sound Blaster Live (OEM) and I'm not sure whether or not it has external headers (which I would prefer). Anyone know? I could probably switch to the onboard sound, but I've heard that it has driver issues. Assuming that the 'Live' doesn't have headers, any suggestions on a good inexpensive sound card that has them?
Thanks again for all of the responses.