Originally posted by: rbloedow
How about a big NO.
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: rbloedow
How about a big NO.
you are like the ingrown toenail that wont heal...do you have to be such a bother?
the flag represents your country...the one that gives you the rights and freedom to live your life the way you have been living it. Would you prefer a soviet russia flag?
Originally posted by: rudeguy
you are like the ingrown toenail that wont heal...do you have to be such a bother?
Same.Originally posted by: americangigolo
No sorry I ain't changing
Originally posted by: TheBoyBlunder
Would you "love it or leave it" band-wagon patriots shut up? One of the great things about this country is we (everyone else) doesn't have to do what you say no matter how often you ask us to, or in this case, demand us to. If you want everyone to pretend to be patriotic go to China on May Day and stay there, k?
Originally posted by: TheBoyBlunder
Would you "love it or leave it" band-wagon patriots shut up? One of the great things about this country is we (everyone else) doesn't have to do what you say no matter how often you ask us to, or in this case, demand us to. If you want everyone to pretend to be patriotic go to China on May Day and stay there, k?
Originally posted by: TheBoyBlunder
Would you "love it or leave it" band-wagon patriots shut up? One of the great things about this country is we (everyone else) doesn't have to do what you say no matter how often you ask us to, or in this case, demand us to. If you want everyone to pretend to be patriotic go to China on May Day and stay there, k?
Originally posted by: Soybomb
Consider this to be a 4th of july penguin.