Worth upgrading video card? Need help fast..Updated correctly


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2000
I have a AMD X3 720 CPU & Nvidia 9800GT video card, was thinking about upgrading to a gtx 460.

Would this be worth it, or will my CPU hold me back? I mostly play WoW

Thanks for any help

System Specifications:

I. Processor/CPU:amd x3 720

II. Current Graphics Card:9800gt

III. Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080

IV. Power Supply Unit Specification (Brand, Wattage, Ampage, Age). If possible, please provide a link to a website containing the power supply specifications: thermaltake tr2-420w / http://www.thermaltakeusa.com/Product.aspx?C=1247&ID=1537

V. Case Specifications(N/A, Model, Length, Low Profile, Cooling, HTPC, Water, Silent): GIGABYTE 3D AURORA full tower

Purchase Details:

Budget? Please be sure to include currency (If not USD), retailer preferences & specify whether rebates are a viable option. under 150

Any particular preferences (Manufacturer[nV or AMD], Brand[XFX, Sapphire, EVGA, etc], Cooling Solutions)? Nvidia

III. Do you plan to have any Multi-GPU solutions such as Crossfire or SLI? no

IV. Have you previously looked at a product(s) which you feel would fit your needs? GTX 460 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127646

V. What are your needs for this GPU? Which games(If any)do you intend to play? If you have this information at hand, what are the desired detail levels? Wow mostly

VI. Do you plan on overclocking the card you intend to purchase? No

Additional Notes

Feel free to add any details that you feel were not covered within this template!
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Reduce resolution/quality. Do your frame rates shoot up?
If they do, you could benefit from a new video card.
If not, you're CPU limited.