Worth going from P3@744 --> Celeron2@1100+ ??


Senior member
Apr 9, 2000
I got a GF3 Ti200 to replace my old GF2 GTS twp days ago, and suddenly my P3-600@744 doesn't feel very fast anymore.
I don't want to spend alot of money getting mobo+RAM+CPU, so I think a Celeron II might be a nice upgrade.
I have a BX-board (Abit BX-6 rev 2), which goes up to 8x multiplier.

I have two questions:

1. Will a Celeron II 1100 Mhz work on my mobo? It has 11x multiplier but I think the the CPU might work anyway since it handles the multiplier by itself.

2. I know the Celeron is a bit slower than a P3 clock-for-clock, but a Celeron 1100 Mhz would have 350 Mhz headstart, and add maybe 100-200 Mhz overclocking to that.
Let's say the Celeron OC to 1200 Mhz: That would be alot faster than my P3-744, right?


Platinum Member
Feb 1, 2000
That should be a bit of an gain for you but remember with older mbs its a little tricky with bios/new stepping/voltage issues. I had an old BX abit with a 533 and 566 once but dont know about yours specifically. Do a search and try and find someone with the same mb.

I have a celeron 900 at 1200 but that stresses my agp bus but its very nice. My asus P2B-S wont handle steppings above cbo due to internal voltage issues in the intel mfg process.

do your homework and it might work out for you


Mar 9, 2000

<< Will a Celeron II 1100 Mhz work on my mobo? It has 11x multiplier but I think the the CPU might work anyway since it handles the multiplier by itself. >>


Well, it's not the Tualatin processor. EDITED: It IS 100FSB over 800Mhz.

If you want the Celeron-II (Tualatin) @ 1.2 Ghz (100FSB) you can run it in your Abit board with a PowerLeap adapter ($169 for adapter/CPU and HSF). I recently upgraded my BX-6(r.2) to a Celeron-II @1.24 Ghz and noticed a significant improvement over by PIII600E@800Mhz. Even though the FSB is down from the P3's 133 FSB to 103FSB, the extra 436Mhz make a noticeable difference (especially) in gaming.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2001
celerons 800MHz + = 100MHz FSB

Tualatin celerons are a different thing, they are basically renamed P3's. Very fast, will crush any normal P3 at the same speed.