Worried about high ambient temps...


Sep 23, 2009
Here's the deal. Right now my ambient temp is about 23c. My PSU (OCZ ModXStream Pro 600w) gets fairly warm when playing games and I have a nice 120mm server fan blowing that warm air right out the back of the case. Unfortunately, my MOBO temps reach as high as 45c now. When I had my old Xclio 500w, my mobo temps never went above 40c. Also, my 4890 reaches fairly high temps as well. After 1 hour of crysis, the core temp was 75c and the "MEMIO" temp was 85c (My xfx 4890 doesn't report vrm temps, but I'd imagine they're fairly high as well.) The only part of my system I'm not really concerned about is my C2D e6750 and my harddrive. Ironically, even though the warm air from the PSU exits the case right near the cpu, my CPU never goes above 50c (OC'd @ 3.2GHz/1.22500 vcore, cooled by AC Freezer 7 Pro)

In the summer, ambient temps are bound to increase (No AC in my room :() Should I be worried about the effect this will have on my system temps? My case is the NZXT Apollo. I have 3 120mm fans. A front and side intake and a rear exhaust. I'd say it's average in terms of airflow. The rear 120mm can go as high as ~2100rpm but it gets loud past 1600rpm.

What can I do to ensure I won't have cooling issues int the hot months? Better case fans? after market cooling for 4890?


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
It doesn't sound like you're having any cooling problems at the moment. 23C is about 73F, which is a bit warmer than the room I'm in currently. How much hotter will it be in the summer? If you don't have air conditioning, a good shaded room should still only be about 10F warmer (~4-6C), so expect an increase of around 4-10C or so on all of your components.

It should still be within spec.


Sep 23, 2009
It can get pretty hot in the summer (82-85F) I'm on the upper floor. I only have a fan and an open window to cool my room. If I have the window open and the blind up to let in air, the sun shines DIRECTLY on to my desk. What luck, eh?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
It can get pretty hot in the summer (82-85F) I'm on the upper floor. I only have a fan and an open window to cool my room. If I have the window open and the blind up to let in air, the sun shines DIRECTLY on to my desk. What luck, eh?

That doesn't sound too hot to me. Where do you live? Siberia

You could alway pick up a energy efficient ac unit and mount it in the window. Or maybe tinting the window would do the job.


Sep 23, 2009
I live in Buffalo, NY. Cold winters/Hot summers. I was thinking about picking up a decent AC for my room, though I'm not sure when I'll have the money.