Originally posted by: MichaelD
Originally posted by: DisgruntledVirus
Originally posted by: MichaelD
I agree that your children should not be in the office "for an extended period" but will they stay there all day or is she just waiting to take them somewhere?
A few years ago a woman that worked for me (my department) would bring her 4 year old son to work every day, first thing in the morning, for two hours until the babysitter picked him up. Her excuse was that "the sitter doesn't start work until 9:30AM." AND how is that my f'in problem? :| That lasted for about a month until I got my bosses to sign off on me officially reprimanding her to get her to fix her damn situation.
I have no problem with kids at the office ONCE IN A WHILE for just a little while, but the office is not your damn daycare facility. The pics on your desk are enough, thanks. I don't need to see little Tommy every day for two hours.
It's to show off the newborn, and she will be here for at least another 30 minutes (more likely an hour+).
I have 2 meetings today (not until later in the day of course), which will make it hard to finish my work for the day because I have to take 90 minutes where I can't work b/c of them.
As much as I am a grumpy old bastard (and I am...) I gotta say "just let it be this one time."

She just had a new baby, she's happy and the other estrogen depositories in the office are happy for her. YOU will win/benefit from this little social interaction, even though you're not happy or participating. The women in the office (who normally are as stable as nitroglycerin in a paint mixer) will be placid and smiley today. The men, who normally suffer at the hands of said unstable baby-makers, will also be happy b/c they aren't getting their balls busted today.
SEE? YOU WIN!!! Just smile and say "Awwwww, she's adorable! Congratulations!!!" and go about your business.