I suppose, Mwilding, that those words would and maybe will create a stir, but I suspect a search of them would just lead to your post. I don't remember seeing them elsewhere.
The first of those words - the holy grail of racial epithets shows up in no less than ten threads. You have to incluse the alternate spelling. I checked and they are not all references to Jackie Chan in Rush Hour "Whassup my awesome dude?"
Some people think that that word is somehow off limits in ANY context. I wonder if they are aware that it is a color...
In England in the 40's (and earlier) it was quite common to name a brown dog great person. In fact, if you have ever watched Pink Floyd's The Wall, there are some clips on the t.v. from an English army movie from that period. In one scene there is a dog and in the next, a soldier is bemoaning the fact that great person has gone...
What is my point?
Basically, with the exception of the seven forbidden words, any word you can think of has an appropriate context.
Deeko....content doesn't matter, but the sole fact that it is from me automatically subjects it to an instant "shut up deeko"...lol, and the mods seem to really care too.
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