Woohoo! Ordered my XP2100+ Thoroughbred.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
I believe these are all T-Bred B's right? Has anyone ordered this from newegg and has not recieved an AIUHB?

I feel like I had to share it. I hope to hit 2.3ghz.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Actaeon
I believe these are all T-Bred B's right? Has anyone ordered this from newegg and has not recieved an AIUHB?

I feel like I had to share it. I hope to hit 2.3ghz.

There's a better chance to be struck by lightning than to receive something other than a T-bred B stepping AIUHB :D

Judging from your current OC, I think there's a really good chance you'll hit 2.3 ghz :)
It'll be good to have one more experienced OCer to add to the mix of results.



Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
Haha Chizow, I'm going to quote you on that.

I have some decent experience OCing. I do think my memory is holding me back. Come next paycheck, I might just sell my stuff I have now, and go for some Corsair XMS PC3200, hopefully I can hit a 200+ FSB. I know my motherboard can take it. Gotta love the Epox :)

I think I'll lap my heatsink down, so It'll recieve good contact, and start to turn on the rest of my case fans (they are all off as of now). Try to get the most out of my CPU.

Multipliers below 13 are all unlocked correct? I have a KT333 chipset board.

I really do hope I can hit 2.3+ ghz. I really want to improve my SETI worktimes.