Woohoo! I got my Cinci Basketball Jersey *with pictures*


Jun 23, 2001
During March Madness, Mountain Dew had a sweepstake thing, where there was a team on every cap of the 20oz and 2 liter bottles. I drank probably one 20oz bottle of Code Red a day for the whole month and collected other people's.

If you collected 32 caps, you got a hat. If you had a cap with the teams name that either won the womans or mens NCAA final, you got a jersey of a team of your choice.

My first cap that I got was UConn, I'd never heard of them and put them in the regular pile. I ended up having Duke, Arizona and all but a few of the teams that went to the finals (at least in the mens division). Anyways, the UConn Woman's team won the NCAA final and so I sent in my cap and chose the Cincinatti jersey. I was going to just get whatever team won it, but UConn wasn't available, so I went with a team from Ohio (both my parents were born in Ohio, so I was raised to root for any Ohio team.. Mainly the Reds, Indians, Browns and Ohio State). Heh, Cinci is in Ohio, so I chose the jersey..

After 2 letters of apology (the didn't have enough jerseys as they thought they had, then they didn't think so many people would win, etc.) But I didn't care, this happened a year ago when I won quite a few Powerade towels, POS watch (I thought it'd be something that I could actually wear.. it was plastic and fell apart) and sunglasses (which look like I bought them from the dollar store and put a Powerade label on the side of them.)

Anyways, finally something decent :) The jersey came in today. So, on with the pictures.

Front of the Jersey

Back of the Jersey

Letter I got with it

$45 retail value, not bad. I will sell it if anyone offered me $30 or more for it. I'm not a basketball fan, but since it only retails for $45, I doubt anyone would want it.
-- mrcodedude