Similar situation with a random bird, not even a pecker, on a window that could see its reflection! We also had a paper plate hanging in a nearby tree with large owl-esque eyes so we're not sure which did it, but concealing the part of the window with reflective tape was a factor as well.get some holographic tape. hang it up for a week or two. The bird will think your house is on fire and leave.
This worked for me when I had cedar siding and attracted a woodpecker.
Exactly!It'll stop soon enough. It's trying to impress the ladies, and it'll be done once mating season's over.
It'll stop soon enough. It's trying to impress the ladies, and it'll be done once mating season's over.
It'll stop soon enough. It's trying to impress the ladies, and it'll be done once mating season's over.
Shoot it.
They put a owl statue near the pecking area and it immediately stopped.
This has me concerned. The last thing I need is a hole in my roof. Short of shooting the thing, is there anything that can be done to repel the little ah heck?
Or am I worrying for nothing?
So....whats the best way to get rid of rabid dogs?