I hope she learned her lesson. Better to let the animals suffer and or die than to practice medicine with out a licence. Imagine all the animals that could have been hurt by her had she not saved them.
But while many saw her actions as an act of goodwill to help animals during a natural disaster, county officials saw a violation of the law. They arrested and charged Hedges — a decision that immediately spun into a controversy in the community about 60 miles southeast of Raleigh.
Hedges is facing a dozen misdemeanor charges and accused of practicing veterinary medicine without a license. Specifically, she is charged with administering medications such as amoxicillin and a tropical antibiotic ointment to the animals, according to the nonprofit’s Facebook page. The group said she is also facing one count of solicitation of a Schedule IV controlled substance for asking for a donation of tramadol, a prescription pain medication used for animals.
I hope she learned her lesson. Better to let the animals suffer and or die than to practice medicine with out a licence. Imagine all the animals that could have been hurt by her had she not saved them.