Its not even the only problem, lots of texture pop, major performance problems on AMD GPUs as well. Basically its Rage part 2, I do wonder if it will also have horrible microstutter built in as well, no one has reviewed for that yet.
not surprising,
Rage was still a nightmare last time I tried it a year ago with my AMD card.
Same reason they use 2011-era 3.1GHz i3-2100's to benchmark 2014 games core loading... :biggrin: Just kidding, it appears to be capped to 60fps. So that's yet another bad port...
Judging by
some Youtube videos you're not missing much. Gameplay looks to be yet another "
overly cinematic railroad shooter trying to be a stealth RPG with trivial 'upgrade' skills that make virtually no impact on gameplay, with Dishonored style knife takedowns that are 10x more powerful than a rocket launcher" kind of game...
what I think is "wrong" is not to include a core i5 (or i7 with HT off) for those graphs, but actually I don't know if they are of any use.
for the performance test I wouldn't mind seeing older stuff, like PII X4, Nehalem and so on..
I was watching the giant bomb quick look on this game, it looks and feels a lot like RAGE quite nice in many points, but yes, it looks way to "slow" and cinematic for a Wolfenstein game, but I haven't really cared about the series in many years, maybe I'm wrong.
Nice coe load balance on the 6 core fx! Next gen consoles are lifting cpu optimizations
this game is mostly old gen, id tech5 was designed for PS3/360, and these are also the lead platforms for this game as far as I know.
these graphs are just very strange, compare the 8xxx to the 6xxx, not sure you can conclude much based on it.