Witcher 2 Sound is only stereo...5.1 works everywhere else


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Does anyone have any insight into what might be going on?

I have HDMI out from a 7950 graphics card to my receiver. Its only getting a stereo signal.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I'm unclear on what you mean about 5.1 working everywhere else. If it works in movies, DTS, Dolby, then games may still run stereo. If other games work in 5.1 then Witcher 2 should work 5.1.

Basically with AMD cards (and nVidia from my experience) the audio/sound properties can reset back to default (stereo) after every reboot. While stereo is enabled, DTS and Dolby still works for 5.1 in movies and elsewhere.

So first check to make sure audio/sound properties for the AMD audio is set to 5.1 and then immediatly open Witcher 2 and check for sound.

If in sound properties you only have the option for stereo sound, then turn off the computer and television but leave the reciever on. Then reboot the computer with the TV off. This will ensure the computer sees the reciever as a capable 5.1+ channel output device, if it only sees the TV (sometimes skipping the reciever when both reciever and TV are powered on) then stereo may be only option available until the computer is forced to see only the reciever as it's output device (by turning off the TV through a reboot cycle).


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Interesting...I'm not sure if a reboot messed everything up...i'll have to check. That would be pretty annoying to have to have that boot up order exact every time, especially since I don't regularly turn off the computer

Thanks for the tip...i'll see if that fixes it.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Yep, hope that gets a fix or moves towards a solution here.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Well, you were right...it had changed all of the settings back to stereo. I didn't notice because of the reboot.

I since rebooted with the receiver on and it keeps the settings.

I'd like to not have to keep the receiver on 24/7 obviously...

I'm going to try to monitor the situation and see what causes it to change back to stereo. i wish there was a "default' setting that just wouldn't change.

Is there a way to write a custom action that changes it to 5.1 anytime it goes to stereo, maybe?