Wireless notebook card settings. Need Help


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I need help with a Micro Plus Wireless Notebook Card MP-C100 I bought from this AT hotdeals thread.

I down loaded the newest XP drivers. Installed them. Installed the card. It finds the signal from my wireless network (D-Link router). No problem getting signal and sharing internet.

The problem is, when I try to change any of the settings in the utility setup applet, all the options are greyed out and not functional, such as WEB settings, stats settings, advanced settings ect. Did I do something wrong installing the drivers or the card, or is there a setting or procedure I can use to change this?

Thanks in advance for your help

Dave Hawkins


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
hmm, my sister uses that card for her winxp notebook, try using the drivers that came with the cd instead
but before doing that, if changing the settings in the utlility program doesn't work, try going to start->settings->control panel->Network and Dial-up Connections

right click your wireless nic ->properties->general->configure->advanced and change the settings there.

If you can't change your settings there, then revert to the utility program and drivers found on the cd.