wireless network connectivity


Apr 20, 2002
Not really sure to describe whats going on with this recently I'v been having problems with my wiresless router, linkss wrt350n. the router has the most current firmware but it was doing this before the update and after. No matter what browser I use IE, opera, firefox it still does this. I can only go to certant pages I can access this page perfactly fine but say I want to go to google and search something I can pull up google but when I search for it what ever it will just sit there forever and not do anything orhter random pages do this as well or will not connect at all. It does this on mutliple pages seems totaly random between all the browsers. The computer is a hp pavilion dv6000 w/ 1.8 GHz intel with 2 gb ram and a wireless g cards built into the motherboard. I'v done everything I can do with the router settings wise droped all the security to nothing and it still does it, moved the router to another location. changes the channel its transmitting on changed the wpa psk key and nothing. But here is the kicker if I plug the computer into the router with a netowrk cable everything works perfactly fine with no issues what so ever. I"m totaly at a lost of what else to do I can't think of anything more I can do on my end I can't even tell if its the router's fault or my computer. I'm opened to any and all advice plz help. This is becomming a problem that needs to get resolved now.



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Sounds like typical wireless woes. Change channels to 1, 6, 11 and test when in the same room. Don't "point" the antennas at the client, leave them vertical unless you are directly above or below them. Also make sure the antennas are plugged in on the access point and the client. Keep the access point and client away from sources of interference like bluetooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens, etc.


Apr 20, 2002
I'v done all that nothing seems to help any one have any other sugestions? I just don't understand how all of a sudden it could start going this out of the blue, its never done it befoe up until this week and its starting to piss me off.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
It still sounds like interference and what you're experiencing is normal for wireless when there's interference - very sporadic or slow connectivity. Could be your neighbors adding a phone or a whole slew of things.

To test ping your router continuously with a large packet size and see if you get timeouts. Also use the wifi card utility to see what your signal to noise ratio is or download netstumbler.

ping -l <IP address> 1400 -t


Apr 20, 2002
well I got sick and tired off it and just decided to hook up my laptop directly to my router with an ethernet cord and it still does it. Now I'm totaly stumped any other sugestions?


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
In that case run a full virus/spyware scan of your computer or download wireshark and see if you're spewing out tons of connections/crap. Or make sure you're the only computer on the router and do the same.

I'd hate to suggest that the router is broken because frankly there isn't anything to really break, it's all solid state. But if you remove any possibility of virus/worm/spyware, you're cabling is good store bought cable, and you've called the provider to have them check it out then that is about all that is left.

To rule out the router, try it without for a few days to see if the problem persists. Make sure you're patched and have a personal firewall.