Wired Network Question


Senior member
Jan 21, 2004
What would I do here? I want to have in the bedrooms and the living room mutiple plugs like a phone outlet. I do not want to restrict which location that my broadband is originated, in case I want to move my PC into the living room or another bedroom. How would I go about doing this? Any links to a good how-to? How much am I looking at in additional cost in hardware? Is this something that could need any type of maintenance at all (I want it set up outside my broadband, so if I end up moving and decide to rent my condo, anyone that rents the place could use it without being too tech savy). Please, I want to do it this way, so don't try to convince me to go wireless. I want to learn and do, if you get my drift.


Jul 16, 2004
Here's my take on it.

Set up the corner of a central closet as your central router point. Then run lines from all your rooms to the central closet. You can move where your broadband originates to any location you want whenever you want and all you have to do is just go to the closet and move the plug for the incoming broadband from being behind the router to being in front of the router. You're not going to be dragging your incoming internet location all over the house constantly so it won't be a big deal to just move one plug every once in a while.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
There are few ways to go about it.

The following is probably the most basic one.

You have to assign a spot (aka Network/Wiring Closet) to which all the cables from the rooms will go to. This spot should have a space to put a Router and a switch (if you need more then 4 ports).

In this spot you can also put the Cable/DSL Modem or lay a CAT5 that is connected to the output of the Modem (if the Modem is elsewhere).

Choosing such a spot might be the hardest part of the project.
This page has few pointers concerning regular home envioroment:

Link to: Network Home Closet.

As for Wiring look here:

Link to: Wiring - I would like to wire my Networked Computers (Home Wiring).



Senior member
Dec 7, 2001
btw, if you do this, you should probably label/color the ends of each wire so if you ever have to do anything with the cables, you can easily do it.