WinXP slower that Win2K in home networking?


Feb 13, 2001
I just installed one XP machine on my home network and copying files and just trying to find files on the other non-xp machines is very slow. I have checked out the newsgroups and it seems alot of people are having the same problems with XP. I have DSL connection, Dlink router, Dlink switch Win98se machine and WinMe notebook. I also had a Win2K machine that I switched to XP. Simple home network using a workgroup. Everything worked great with Win2K, response time to look at files on the other machines was almost instantaneous, and now with XP to find a file on the 98 machine takes like 30 seconds. I get the darn flashlight looking for files. I am wondering if others are having similar problems?



Golden Member
Jan 25, 2000
See if you're running unnecessary protocols. I recommend getting rid fo NetBEUI and using TCP/IP only. Make sure NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled.


Aug 2, 2001
Join the friggin club. I fought with this problem for quite a while. I never got my xp system to work really well with win98. Contrary to the previous opine, I installed netbeui on xp and noticed a significant improvement when communicating with win98.....not great, but significant.
I also noticed a bit of a slow down on my dsl. A helpfull anantech post enlightened me about winxp "QoS" and how to (totally) disable it, this did speed up my dsl considerably.
You might want to try running a search for this "QoS" post if your interested.

Oh yeah, one more thought >>> I disabled "simple home networking" and tweaked a bit. This helped considerably

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
I have networked win98se and winXP and have no problems like yours. Its fast and i am using TCP/IP. I even tried out print sharing and that works great too. Searching either pc's drives is not slow at all. Maybe you have a configuration problem.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2001
hmm i have been having similar problems file transfurs between my windows XP box and win95 box are very fast but between the same XP box and my other win98 box they are really really slow. Might try only enableing TCP/IP. At first i though it was the network cable or somthing but i tested that and it is fine :confused:

Alex :D


Golden Member
Aug 17, 2001
Ive noticed a big lag sometimes when going right into a share folder, no biggie I guess. You might also want to check out QoS (Quality of Service) which reserves 20% of the bandwidth for applications that request QoS. Here is the cut and paste article from a Cable and DSL site dedicated to tweaking:

The following tweak applies only to Windows XP Professional edition.

The default system behavior is that all 100% bandwidth is available, however, if there is a running application that indicates to the OS it needs to send high priority/real time data, then as long as it has the socket open, Windows XP will restrict ?best effort? traffic to 80% of the bandwidth so that high priority traffic can be accommodated. Basically, applications can make this request to the operating system for QoS support using the QoS application programming interfaces (APIs) in Windows and this only applies if a specific app is requesting QoS.

If you'd like to change how much bandwidth is reserved for QoS (the default is 20% of the total bandwidth), do the following:

1. Make sure you're logged in as "Administrator" (not just any account with admin privileges).
2. Navigate to START>Run and type: gpedit.msc
3. Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler
4. In the right window, double-click the limit reservable bandwidth setting
5. On the setting tab, check the enabled setting.
6. Where it says "Bandwidth limit %", change it to read 0 (or whatever percentage you want to reserve for high priority QoS data)
7. Click OK, close gpedit.msc

Under START > My Computer > My Network Connections > View Network Connections, right-click on your connection and under Properties (where it lists your protocols), make sure QOS Packet Scheduler is enabled.

You need to reboot for changes to take effect.

Note: This tweak applies only to The Professional version of Windows XP.

To read more about QoS, refer to the MSDN Documentation


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 1999
On my Home version, I had some laggish browsing and unchecked QoS in the LAN NIC properties. Like night and day. Almost like browsing a local drive after the reboot on both machines (one XP home and one XP Pro) I was shocked at the difference. Shares actually opened when you clicked them. lol.