WinXP: Is there a way to copy text to clipboard EXACTLY? (SOLVED)


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
I'm trying to copy almost 50,000 characters (almost 800 lines) to my clipboard and paste it into another window. It doesn't work. I end up with a different (smaller) number of characters, and this _has_ to be exact.

I don't have scp, sftp, ftp, sendmail, or rcp. I can't load any of these on the system since it's across the country. The best I could come up with uuencoding the file and copying it through the ssh connection, but as you can see above, this doesn't work.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
This has been fixed. Microsoft saved the day :)Q)! I had been using every text editor I could think of besides the ones that came with Windows. In a final act of desperation I tried wordpad, and it worked flawlessly. I pasted the uuencoded file into my putty window (into vi on the remote end), deleted the final line, and had scp at my disposal.

A big thanks to jamesbond007 for the help!