Windows2000pro, Asus A7V, problems


Junior Member
Sep 25, 2000
I am using:
Windows2000 professional
Asus A7v 1004
Hercules Geforce DDR DVI (brocktree)
SB Live (mp3+)
Adaptec 2930cu SCSI controller
3com 905 10/100 NIC

I recently bought an Asus A7v, Tbird 700, and a nice new case w/ a 300W supply. I am using 2 sticks of pc100 128M, reinstalled Windows2000. Updated to Sp1, security patches, the AMD/Windows2000 fix, the Via 4 in 1 drivers, ATA100 drivers, NVidia Detonator Drivers 6.18, and the lockups i had been experiencing in games/3dapps seemed to be fixed. However... i am still experiencing lockups intermittently. I will be just doing standard desktop work; on the web, playing mp3s in winamp, on irc, etc... and the video locks hard, yet the mp3s/cd continues playing for ~20 seconds or so, sometimes more,the network seems to be up(pingable for a long time), but is an unusable workstation, and needs restarting. I have NO idea how to remedy this, as i seem to have installed all known drivers/patches/fixes/etc that I can find, but the little lockups (not in game, etc) still occur, and it's driving me nuts. any suggestions would be much appreciated... i tried disabling APCI in BIOS and then getting win2000 to reinstall all devices in their own IRQs, since so many were sharing IRQ9; i had thought that might be the problem, but now Win2k bluescreens on kernel load, so it's reinstall time again i guess...

Thanks for any help or suggestions,


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
the the ddr i would bet.
I think there still having intemiant problems with athlon + asus's, that's why I traded mine for a v5. This is just and educated guess at the problem. I know a lot of people with problems with the ddr, athlon and asus


Senior member
Oct 25, 1999
YOUR RAM. I was having similiar problems and I traced it to my RAM. RAM quality does make a big difference on KT 133 Motherboards.


Junior Member
Sep 25, 2000
Argh... i hope it's not my memory ... i will try swapping some out, though. that would suck if i have to get new memory.



Aug 6, 2000
I had similar problems (lots of random lockups); pulling my SBLive out and reinstalling Windows fixed things. I'm now running fine with a Yamaha-based sound card...

Also try the newer leaked Detonator 3 drivers - 6.26 and maybe 6.27 are supposed to have some fixes for KT133 boards...


Junior Member
Sep 6, 2000
I also had the random lockups and tried everthing mentioned. This is what "fixed" my system:

In Bios set "System Performance Setting" to Normal.

The manual says this makes the system more stable at the expense of performance (limits AGP to 2X).

I am happier with stability (right now I am surfing, listening to MP3's, copying pics to my CDRW) and more. Hope ASUS comes out with a new BIOS to fix this problem. ASUS Tech support disagreed with me that this should be a known issue???

I also have ACPI off so I can set my IRQ's.

Serial ports disabled in BIOS to free IRQ 3 and 4.

AGP = Geforce2MX on IRQ 11.
Slot 1= empty (shares with AGP)
Slot 2= 1394 (Studio DV) on IRQ 3.
Slot 3= SBLive on IRQ 4.
Slot 4= 3COM NIC on IRQ 5.