I have here two 100% legal copies of WinXP Pro that I downloaded from my school's ECE department. One is either no SP or SP1, and the other is SP2. The earlier CD doesn't seem to be bootable, and if I use a bootdisk it tells me that it's gonna take forever to install XP because I don't have SmartDisc (or something like that) running. The SP2 CD is bootable, but always crashes at the same spot during installation. I got a third XP Pro CD from a friend, and it installs fine. However it won't take either CD key for the two CDs I have. WTF Microsoft? So I guess I'm now stuck trying to install without SmartDisc and hoping it doesn't take too many hours to do. I should have just stuck with Win2KPro. I'm not really sure why I'm installing XP anyway.