Windows won't recognize my Shuffle


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2000
What gives? Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
This may seem late. Oh, well.

I just got mine from FedEx this morning. When I plugged it in it was recognized as a USB drive immediately. Am using XP Pro with Service Pack 2.

MY problem is it wont play files copied onto the drive. I thought I could just move some mp3's over and then play 'em. You know? Like on EVERY OTHER DEVICE OUT THERE!

No such luck. I read the instructions and it would seem I need to install iTunes and convert over any music I want played on that thing. I HATE itunes and darn sure dont want any apple software installed on my system.
Seem to recall a thread on Anandtech that had a few alternatives apps for iPods. Never paid much attention since I never thought I'd own one. If I cant find something else I'll be calling Newegg for an RMA soon.