Windows Server 2003 or XP on new system


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
Just ordered a new computer, the system is on its way. I have the opportunity of installing windows server 2003, but is this a good decision? I want system stability, and alot of the features of server 2003 (iis 6.0 for instance, im a web dev) but i also play games. Quite a few of them, actually.

My question: In general, will i have less compatibility with games like splinter cell, and upcoming games like half life 2, doom 3, lo-mac, blizzard games, etc? Or will it not be a problem?

Im currently running XP, does anyone know what features i'd not have if i went with server 2k3?


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2001
Well, you wouldn't have the server stuff (DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, etc.). The only reason I could see you wanting to install 2003 server, other than it would be "cool" to do it or something, is the fact that from what I understand, IIS in XP is version 5.1, and 2003 has IIS 6.0. Honestly, I don't know all of the new features in IIS 6.0, but it does have a few cool things. With 6.0 Microsoft finally stole a page from the Apache crowd and made the configuration available in a text file that you can edit and then restart the service. Quite nice. IIS 6.0 also comes with fewer features enabled by default, making it a bit more secure.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
I actually meant the other way around, as in the stuff from xp not present in 2k3 (layout and user-friendly parts?)
IIS 5.1 only supports one website, and that has been annoying to deal with (every project of mine has to be a virtual directory). Plus i'd like to develop on the same operating system that my web server is running (w2k3).

However, i don't know if it is worth it if i have to sacrifice alot of user-friendly options that im used to in xp - and definitely not worth it if i have to sacrifice all of my current and up-and-coming games that i want to play


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2001
Oh, well as far as the layout goes, its basically the same thing as XP. Heck if you aren't sure, download an evaluation copy. As long as you have broadband that is.

Yeah, the GUI is pretty much the same, except the blue and green candy look is replaced by a grey and charcoal grey scheme. Much nicer on the eyes. The Start menu has the same new layout options, and the "configure your server" section was much nicer to deal with than 2000's.

Looking at your situation I would take and install 2003.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
Awesome, you've helped me out a ton, i'm more confident now about going with w2k3.

Do you know about the games issue? I'm figuring compatibility is just as good as is with win 2000, so i'll be okay. What do you think?


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2001
kHaven't tried gaming with it. For the most part it seems to be a server version of XP so I would think it should. You never know though. Makes me want to download a demo of it to see. The last time I played with it was RC2.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Multimedia services are disabled by default in Windows 2003. You'll have to enable them if you want 3D support and such.

I would reccomend dual booting in your case. Windows 2003 Server is much less of a desktop OS then 2000 Server is.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
well i have no problem enabling a service if it isnt by default. IIS isnt even enabled by default on 2k3.

Dual booting is not an option.

The only thing to stop me from going with server 2k3 is the fact that it might not be as compatible with games compared to XP Pro (my alternate choice). Can anyone comment on server 2k3 and game compatibility?

Also, anyone who is using w2k3 as their OS please give feedback.

Thanks for all the input so far.


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2003
I havent tried 2k Server on a home machine yet, but had lots of probs running high end games on 2k Advanced Server. My solution (im also a web developer) is to run XP and then use apache web server.. It is much easier to config IMO and far more robust being isolated from the OS itself.

As my sites have grown though i now just use two systems.. one 2k server (still with apache) and an XP box for gaming sessions.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
As an aside question, why is dual booting not an option? It seems that it would be the best option for you if you game heavily. I did test out the evaluation of Server 2003, but I did not test it for gaming compatability. I would think that Server 2003 would be compatible with a good number of current games, but I think there is likely to be some performance loss. If you are absolutely unable/unwilling to dual boot, I'd have to say pick an OS that fits the bill for your most important needs. If you find your web development more important, Server 2003. If gaming is more important, XP Pro.



Golden Member
Oct 28, 1999
the version of 2003 i got had no directX in it. thus games would not play. i dont know for sure about the gold version however


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
I wish there was a gamer in the forums that either is using server 2003 and can tell me a success story, or a gamer that tried to use it, but couldnt and went back to xp pro.

In either case, i would find out why i couldnt use it for games, or if it isnt a big deal to get it to run games. Plus, info on what kind of performance loss there is (never heard of any).

I would figure that the OS is an update to win 2000, and games run just fine on that. However, i guess maybe the "server" means something :)


Senior member
Oct 7, 2002
u can't run games on win2k3 out of the box cuz graphics hardware acceleration and directx are turned off by default, after turning them on, then u'll be able to play games.
BTW, sound is also turned off by default except on win2k3 standard...this site shows how to convert win2k3 server to
a workstation


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
Okay after reading that post about how to configure 2003 to a workstation, i'm thinking maybe it isnt such a good idea. Microsoft pretty much has it geared to be a server, and i don't want to have to worry about reconfiguring a ton of settings just to gear the OS to be what XP Pro already is.

Now that i've thought about it, iis 5.1 and xp pro will do me just fine until the next workstation/gaming OS comes out.

Thanks for the advice guys, you've been a big help, and just in time too! I put my brand new system together tommorow morning!