Windows Installation on WD Raptor


Junior Member
Nov 5, 2004
Hey guys, I just built my first complete computer and everything is going well except for my harddrives. When I ran winXP setup for the first time the only drive it detected was my 120 gig drive connected to IDE1. I installed windows there thinking that I might need to do some more setup before I could get my 74 gig raptor to work with its SATA connection. I found the floppy with the Promise SATA drivers and installed those. After that, the raptor appeared in the device manager, so I figured I could now re-run windows install on the raptor (seems like it would be pertinent to put the OS on the faster hard drive....). Problem is, setup still will not detect the raptor drive. I am using the socket 939 soltek board, and I use both the floppy disks provided for the sata and raid drivers while installing windows. I don't know how to get my raptor drive formatted and running with windows on it. Anyone know what I need to do?


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2004
Have you tried removing the IDE drive thus leaving the SATA drive as the only option for windows to use?

You said 'during windows setup' is that when it first starts up and you press 'F6 to install third party SCSI or RADI devices' the drivers off a floppy? If not, that is the point you need to do that. Also without sounding patronising, have you re-checked all the basics - power plugged in to drive, cables securely connected, etc

Have you also looked at the bios updates for the board, there could be an update related to this problem...

Other than that I dont really have any other advice! I hope you get it running...SATA is brilliant.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Try plugging the SATA drive into one of the board's "native" SATA jacks, the ones that connect to the VIA southbridge, instead of the ones that connect to the tacked-on PCI-based Promise SATA controller. It matters which jack you use, so consult your owner's manual for how to tell which is which. They may also give you a run-through of how to set up Windows on SATA if you're lucky.


Junior Member
Nov 5, 2004
I'll try removing the ide drive and try to figure out which jack is "native". I'm sure everything is hooked up right though since I can see the drive in the device manager. Still, i'll double check the plugs while i'm back in there. Thanks for the ideas, i'll let u guys know if it worked.

Thanks ;D