My computer is stuck on safe mode settings (not safe mode, but basic settings used in safe mode). The screen is stuck at a default 640x480 16 colors, and when changed in the Settings, it forces me to reboot and will not apply changes. It also asks me for a password for a username, and everytime I leave it blank, next time I reboot, it comes back. I notice the Virtual Memory settings have been put back onto my Windows drive (E:\), which only has about 100 MBs left on it, and not my backup drive (D:\), which has 3GB and I had set it before to. I have tried reinstalling the drivers to my video card, but even though it's always recognized my card in display properties, it still won't take the settings. It is very important to get this resolved quickly as I'm going on a vacation to North Carolina this Saturday andmy mom uses this computer for her work. Thank you very much in advance for any advice or tips.