Ive been trying to get Windows 2000, to run on an old box that I put together with random parts. The ram was pc100, and kept causing the pc to crash, so I put in 256mb of pc133.
Windows 2000 install, has been giving me a bunch of stop messages like IRQ_ADDRESS_NOT_EQUAL_TO_OR_EQUAL, which I got past, by disabling some serial ports etc. etc. Then I got KMODE_EXCEPTION, which I got past by enabling 32 bit transfer on my two drives. Finally I have MEMORY_MANGEMENT, and for what reason I dont know why I keep recieving this error. Should I give up and install windows 98 ?
Here are my specifications
Intel P- III 1GHZ CPU @ 133 (bios clocks it at 750mhz)
256MB PC133 RAM
1x 1.6GB HDD
1x 1GB HDD
Onboard Video / Sound on an AMI Board.
Windows 2000 install, has been giving me a bunch of stop messages like IRQ_ADDRESS_NOT_EQUAL_TO_OR_EQUAL, which I got past, by disabling some serial ports etc. etc. Then I got KMODE_EXCEPTION, which I got past by enabling 32 bit transfer on my two drives. Finally I have MEMORY_MANGEMENT, and for what reason I dont know why I keep recieving this error. Should I give up and install windows 98 ?
Here are my specifications
Intel P- III 1GHZ CPU @ 133 (bios clocks it at 750mhz)
256MB PC133 RAM
1x 1.6GB HDD
1x 1GB HDD
Onboard Video / Sound on an AMI Board.