Windows 2003 Server and drivers?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

I finally got windows 2003 to install. Our company got the corp edition and what was given to me was the LANs attempt to make a CD w/ the corpt edition. The only way I was able to install it was to copy of "any" operating system first and then select it to install a new copy and copy all the files to the hard drive to run off of for the installation. Now I have it installed and now i have a question on drivers. I have a GTXP and a Sigma Designs Xcard in my system. Can i use the drivers for Windows 2000/XP for those cards on this Windows 20003 or do I have to wait for drivers to come out by Hercules and Sigma designs?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
the only drivers ive found that dont work so far are the new ati drivers


Diamond Member
May 28, 2001
What do you mean by "Corporate Edition"? Generally with the desktop line what most people mean when they say "Corporate Edition" is that they have a volume licensed version and as far as I'm aware there is not a volume license available for Windows 2K3 Server.

As far as I know there are only 4 versions of Windows 2003 Server available and all of them regardless of your licensing require activation via. WPA:
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition
Windows 2003 Server Web Edition

Now to answer your real question:
Can i use the drivers for Windows 2000/XP for those cards on this Windows 20003 or do I have to wait for drivers to come out by Hercules and Sigma designs?
The 2000 or XP drivers "should work fine the majority of the time", I would attempt to install it using the drivers that are available for 2K or XP and once 2K3 drivers become available (if they become available) you update.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: spyordie007
What do you mean by "Corporate Edition"? Generally with the desktop line what most people mean when they say "Corporate Edition" is that they have a volume licensed version and as far as I'm aware there is not a volume license available for Windows 2K3 Server.

As far as I know there are only 4 versions of Windows 2003 Server available and all of them regardless of your licensing require activation via. WPA:
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition
Windows 2003 Server Web Edition

Nope. A volume license key exists for all 4 versions (well, I only know for sure with the three other than Datacenter, but I assume the same thing hold true there as well). No activation of any kind, it works just like the volume versions of XP and Office. In fact, at least with the case of my company, it's the same key for all 3 versions (minus Datacenter which we don't use).



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Exactly what Rainsford said! No activation required. I insall it and its done. I'm so happy :)!


Apr 27, 2000
this is one of those hidden jems that M$ has created for large companies. this is alsos true with office - you can make a corp version. if you have an enterprise version of office you can "brand" it to only work if the computer you are installing it on is within a certian domain. this also embeds the cd keyinto the install so the user doesn't have to enter it in. This is the same with MS OSes.

there are 2 reason that MS created this that both deal with the same issue. First, if someone copied the disc and took it home, they couldn't install it (unless their computer for some reason was also in the same domain although this is HIGHLY unlikely). Second, then you don't have to had out the CD key to every employee who needs a copy of the disc.

once it is set up it is really handy tool to use in a corp/enterprise enviornment. You can make corp versions of office and windows to keep control of who and where things are getting installed. i am pretty sure that only a corp version of windows can be used to make the client OS version. It is possible that any version of 2003 server can do it, although i haven't tried it with server.