Windows 2000, Question


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
What I am needing is to get a list of all .exe files and .dll files on my computer and import them into word. The MAIN problem I have is I would also like to get some extra column information. For example if you open your C:\ drive and put the view into DETAILS and then right click on NAME, goto MORE there are a ton of other columns you can get with extra information, the main concern of mine is the PRODUCT VERSION and PRODUCT NAME. The other tough part is I just need .exe and .dll files in my list, if you do a windows SEARCH for *.exe you CANNOT add these extra columns to your list. I know I could do a DIR C:\*.EXE /S >output.txt file to get a list of all the files but it doesn't list the version number of the .exe or .dll. Any help would be appreciated! I hope I explained that well enough.. Thanks..