WinCenter 2.1.60 WinFrame 1.6 Video Resolution Question


Platinum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Try not to laugh to hard.
We still running WinFrame 1.6 WinCenter 2.1.60 for a couple of Applications in the office. The system was setup to be accessed from UNIX X-Terminals. The default resolution being sent to the X-Terminals is 1280 x 1000 at 16 color. We now need access to these applications from a MetaFrame Systems using Reflections with XDMCP to access it. But, the MetaFrame Terminals can not handle the 1280 X 1000. I need to know where to change my setting on the WinFrame System. I looked in the help files and it said to change the "Display" option under the "Control Panel" BUT, there is no such option there. Any help would be GREAT!!! :confused: