Let me start off by saying that my OS specialties lie in NT & W2K & Linux. My brainfart involves Windows98. My brother, on the other side of the country, still runs W98 and has a problem that I cannot diagnose over the phone. He shutdown normally the other night and now boots into safe-mode evertime he starts up. I aksed if he changed any hardware or software and he said no - only thing he did was install some Yahoo task bar into his browser. He found out he hated it and tried to uninstall it by just deleting the folder - not using the uninstall applet. I doubt that would do it, but on a whim I had him install the yahoo bar again and them unstall it properly. Still gets safe mode when he reboots.
We tried the following last night and nothing workd:
-scanreg /restore only gave options for the last four days, a date when the computer still worked properly did not show up.
-doing F8 and selecting bootlog.txt did not not help either, he could not find the bootlog.txt file once he rebooted (using find file in W98)
-Tried repairing IE to no avail
What else can I try? Trying to avoid doing a fullblown reinstall if possible. If it gets to that, he is getting W2K (assuming his hardware can handle it - P200 w/256MB of RAM).
We tried the following last night and nothing workd:
-scanreg /restore only gave options for the last four days, a date when the computer still worked properly did not show up.
-doing F8 and selecting bootlog.txt did not not help either, he could not find the bootlog.txt file once he rebooted (using find file in W98)
-Tried repairing IE to no avail
What else can I try? Trying to avoid doing a fullblown reinstall if possible. If it gets to that, he is getting W2K (assuming his hardware can handle it - P200 w/256MB of RAM).