Win2k Telneting services. Need help using it


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
ok, I've used telnet on unix servers and there are a lot more commands avaible and stuff for you to do, this is at school though. At home I use a win2k machine and when I use the telnet service I'm bascially enter a dos prompt, is there anything else I can do and if all I can do is run a dos command line, what is the purpose? Is it even possible to do stuff like restart the machine using telnet?



Golden Member
Apr 17, 2001
For my programming class last quarter I did most of my homework over telnet on a Win98SE machine, then I switched to Win2K. Personally I think that Win2K's telnet is crap. I couldn't even scroll down while trying to use emacs (if you don't know thats just a basic text editor) with out my program code getting full of artifacts and random letters pretty much making it unreadable. I ended up copying the telnet from a win98 machine over to my win2K machine. As for what can be done over telnet when logging into a unix machine from a windows machine I think you are pretty limited. All I know is that the first time I saw win2K's telnet I thought I had mistakenly brought up the C prompt.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
telnet = command line interface that emulates a serial connection (universal application across many platforms)
xwindows = graphical windowing system (yes this has been around WAY before MSwindows)
windows terminal server = graphical windowing system (took MS this long to actually implement such a simple concept...year 2001 ya know)

hope this helps, by definition telnet is ASCII only. win2k terminal server gives you the graphical stuff you need.

What is the purpose of only command line? - well, WAY faster than a GUI...much more help...much simpler, far better OS support (you see how many OSs support telnet right?). sorry, I rarely use my mouse, what do you use a mouse for anyway other than playin' games?
