Win2k Monitoring Programs


Apr 6, 2002

Installed ZoneAlarm 2.6 (i think) the free version about 3 weeks ago. Pretty slick program so far. For those not familiar with the program, it just notifies you when a program is requesting information from your machine, or if a program on your machine is trying to connect to the web. My question is about two OS programs (1)WINNT/system32/Services.exe (2) WINNT/system32/svchost.exe ..... Why are they constantly trying to conect to the web, can anyone shed some light for me on what these programs do?

My real question is, is this how Microsoft is "watching" in a big brother sort of way. Not that I am paranoid or any thing. [nervous giggle] I would just like to know WTF my computer is doing and what other people are doing to my computer.

PS I use Windows Media player which always used to connect to the web, but I configued ZoneAlarm to deny it access, and now it is more friendly to use. (I know I should use winAmp but I am stuck with a familiarity issue at the moment.) One nice benifit of ZoneAlarm.
