WIN2K: cd drives dissapeared on me, 1 dvd, 1 cdrw. HELP ... thankyou


Senior member
Dec 8, 2000

in control panel says current driver don`t work

so i install other from m$ ( they are just the drivers from the win2k pro cd)
still don`t work

i uninstall search for new hardware, they show up accept the drivers, reboot, yep still no show on my computer. i have made no ammendments for this to happen.

when i duel boot to winme they show up.

this is gotta be crazy ? i smell a reinstall as i ma very good at solving tech problems

thankyou 2 all for any help

this place and all you guys r wicked man !



Junior Member
Mar 24, 2001
Dude I have the same problem. I have one DVD (samsung sd606) and a writer (hp 9110i). When i boot to win 2k, nothin, when I boot to win 98 no prob. I'm not sure what the problem is, but i think it might be a cdrom firmware issue, or possibly an ide problem with the motherboard (i doubt it though) Let me know your specs...


Senior member
Mar 25, 2001
I have had this same problem with my Creative 5x DVD and my Plexwriter 12/10/32A.

I noticed it happened right when I installed the Adaptec burning software that came with the burner. DirectCD also gives an error when it tries to start up when I log in. When I uninstalled the burning software everything started working correctly again. I am thinking in my case it has something to do with the crappy HPT366 IDE controller I have the burner plugged into, but I dunno why it would affect the DVD rom, which is on the motherboard.

Oh well... gonna try to update the BIOS on the controller card now. Hopefully that will fix it up.

BTW, if anyone is thinking about getting an IDE card... do not get any HPT based cards, this includes SIIG branded cards. They work just great in Win9x but suck major ass in 2K.



Senior member
Mar 25, 2001
Just an udpate... I just installed the newest BIOS and Drivers from the SIIG website. Still having the same problem.

Has anyone found a solution?

I just emailed SIIG customer support, so hopefully they will have a solution.



Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2000
I had this happen to me last fall. I did a reinstall and I haven't had problem since. I never figured out what caused it but i suspected it had something to do with an update I did to easy cd creator software.


Senior member
Mar 25, 2001

<< I had this happen to me last fall. I did a reinstall and I haven't had problem since. I never figured out what caused it but i suspected it had something to do with an update I did to easy cd creator software. >>

Did your machine ever lock up when you tried to transfer data from the drive? Or was it simply a problem with the burning software?

In other words, were there any issues with the drive BEFORE you installed cd creator software?


Mar 26, 2001
I had this problem as well with my a7v. Its a glitch in w2k concerning ata100 that is adressed in sp2. To get around it for now, you have to change the via ata100 driver to the simple ide bus mastering driver and all your drives will show up again.


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2000
noninterleaved. No to your question.
I was remembering what all i did before they were wiped to oblivion. It is comming back to me now. Dirct cd on my free version cd that came with the burner wouldn't work in 2000. Then I read several places ways to get update off of websites to update the software without the prior version being already installed. Anyhow it happened after trying one of them I don't remember which I did or what exactly I tried. But after all that work i wasn't even able to see the drives. :confused: Crazy!

Skunk, I have read alot about that here in this forum but I know that wasn't my problem as I am running scsi Cdroms. :)


Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
I remember when I tried enabling DMA on Win2k for my DVD drive, it just disappeared and I had no idea what to do. (I ended up having to reinstall the whole OS again. argh)



Mar 26, 2001
Ya im using scsi too but if the drive is hooked up to the ata100 port you will still get the same problem. Its a problem with win2k and the ata100 port not the device itself. Anything attached to the ata100 port will disappear once the via ata100 bus master driver is installed.


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2001
I have an a7v as well, is that the thing in the device manager that says VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Controller? If so, how do i change it to the normal IDE controller? I have one already! :)
(I see two other things in hd controllers) Primary IDE controller (dual fifo) and Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo) Do I just remove the via driver?


Mar 26, 2001
I dont have the link on hand sorry, i think i saw it on the asus site. Ill have a look later tonight and see if i can dig it up.
But yes just remove the via ata100 or choose update driver and theres a default ide bus master driver in \winnt\inf i think its either oem3.inf or oem5.inf. One of those 2 is the default driver. It doesnt even require a reboot, one the driver has been changed your drives show up right away.

Reading a few other posts i noticed theres a beta version of sp2 out there. This bug is supposed to be addressed in that release. It is beta tho so caveat emptor.


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2001
But let me ask you, the installation does not complete correctly without the cd rom drives being recognized am i right? (it tries to copy certain items like start menu programs and internet explorer and stuff) so after you get the drives to recognize, how do you get those programs to install? Can you run win 2k installation again?

Thanks for all your help by the way


Mar 26, 2001
Theres 2 ways of going about the installation. First one is to leave the drives on the ata100 ports and have the driver disk handy. When setup starts you will see the message press f6 to install a third party driver. It flashes by really quick so you gotta be on the ball to catch it. Press f6 and during install it will prompt you for the drivers, and windows will install fine.

The second way is to plug the drives into the ide port. Make sure you have the bios set to boot from ide first at this point. Install windows let setup complete and install all your necessary drivers. Then shut down the pc and plug the drives into the ata100 port and all should be golden. Make sure you reset the bios to boot from ata100 first again.
Edit just saw the icq thingy. Ya i have icq my # is 50129943