i'm sorry for sounding like i was thread crapping. i'm not affiliated with shuttle or a big shuttle fan as a pissed off S13SilviaK likes to believe. in fact, i'm using an asus7v333 myself. however, i do believe that people need to be more informed. sure there are some of you who are getting perfectly functional refurb mobos that come with all cables from newegg. since i'm in the market myself to get another mobo for my linux server, i've been tracking a lot of these "refurb mobo from newegg" threads in different forums. there seems to be a lot more complaints about refurb mobos from newegg than their refurb video cards. for every 5-6 of you who are completely happy with your refurb mobos, there are usually 4-5 of you who are not. not everyone who's looking into buying these refurbs are expert volume computer builders with lots of cables lying around as S13SilviaK likes to belive, there are also quite a few newbies out there who are simply looking for a good deal. i think people really need to be more aware of the plus and minus of getting a refurb mobo, and i'm simply sharing the information i've collected from different threads.
sure, i agree that asus mobos tend to be more expensive and feature rich. and if you indeed get one that works perfectly and comes with all the cables, it's an awesome deal. however, if you think shuttle mobos are simply craps, you really be reading more reviews, doing more research, and reading the user feedbacks at newegg. i've own shuttle mobos before, and none of them ever gave me any problems. if you compare the features of the shuttle ak35gtr with that of asus a7v266-e, you'll see a lot of similarities. i'm not trying to promote shuttle, but this one caught my eyes because of it's price and features. i'm sure there are a lot more good mobos out there. i've owned shuttle, asus, abit, iwill mobos, and i'm not loyal to any brand. it's just that right now, price-wise, this particular shuttle mobo seems to be a great value, with 5 star user feedbacks on the newegg site. if you don't need raid, there are also other mobos with kt266a chipset selling around $80 new at newegg.
the bottom line is, if you have been completely happy with your refurb mobo purchases from newegg and know exactly what you are doing, continue to get them. they could turn out to be great deals, but if you are a newbie who's just looking for a good deal, you need to be aware of the possible hassles.
S13SilviaK --
<< You sound like the same guy who's been constantly going around touting the shuttle ak35gtr now I don't know how good that mobo is, or if you work for them but I've made 4 refurb mobo orders with newegg, the first three Epox 8K7A/8K7A+/8KHA+ all came absolutely complete with all the cables and in the original box, my latest the MSI Pro2RU came with 0 cables and no box. Now I would say that 3/4 is one hell of arecord, not to mention that most people who are going to buy these boards either have extra cables lying around or (in the case of usb cables) can pick them up fairly cheap. Also, if the mobo desn't work you can send it back to newegg for $5.75 insured/DC/Priority no problem and they will send you a new one. You don't even have to talk to someone because their RMA system is computer automated. >>