Originally posted by: Dahak
I have it working with no issues. I just went to the site and downloaded, and installed
Originally posted by: Dahak
I have it working with no issues. I just went to the site and downloaded, and installed
Originally posted by: Modelworks
Or go here:
grab the installer that has firefox already in it and you never have to install it again on any os. I keep it on one of my hard drives and run it from there on any os I use without ever having to reinstall or set it back up. It keeps all settings/addons/etc
AFAIK, there isn't an x64 version
Originally posted by: Nothinman
AFAIK, there isn't an x64 version
I've been running a 64-bit on Linux for years so I can't imagine there's not a 64-bit build for Windows...
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Looks like there is no official Win64 build, that's kinda funny. There's unofficial stuff here though: http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Main_Page.
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Looks like there is no official Win64 build, that's kinda funny. There's unofficial stuff here though: http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Main_Page.
Yep but no flash or shockwave. Stupid adobe.
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Yep but no flash or shockwave. Stupid adobe.
There's a 64-bit flash plugin for Linux =)
I know but what about shockwave?
Originally posted by: Nothinman
I know but what about shockwave?
No idea, I can't even say the last time I've seen shockwave content.