Will Radeon 64MEG DDR w/VIVO work with Irongate chipset (AGP 1.0)?

Sep 16, 2000
Hey guys. First Sorry for the double post, I didn't know where to ask this question.

Since I am getting rid of this POS geforce DDR I bought(just kidding, my FIC SD11 just sucks) I am looking into getting an ATi Radeon DDR because ATi's site states (in the Radeon FAQs) that the Radeon will run using the AGP 1.0 standard at 2x AGP. Since my POS SD11 is based off the Irongate chipset it only supports AGP 1.0 at 2x, so I am wondering if anyone has this board running on a system similar to mine. Geforces require AGP 2.0 and that is why I think my Geforce DDR didn't work correctly. If I buy a Radeon I will get a 64 meg one with VIVO. I know the All-In-Wonder Radeon needs AGP 2.0 (it only has 32megs of RAM, but has lots more video editing stuff I don't need that takes more power), but for the rest of the Radeon cards it does not specify that they need AGP 2.0 (only that they work at 2x AGP), and in the general FAQs for the Radeon on ATi's site they say the Radeon card will run at 1.0 AGP/2x AGP speed. So, I am really just wondering if you guys think this card will work with my system. Thanks in advance.:confused:


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Running my radeon 64 meg ddr on an irongate and its rock solid!!
Sep 16, 2000
So you are running it at AGP 1.0 and it is working fine? Thanks a ton for the info, cause I am seriously considering this card. Anyone else have any info/experience with the Irongate chipsets and the Radeons?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
its actually running at 2x agp as far as i can tell

have my bios set up at 2x with sidebanding support

running a gigabyte 7ix mobo