Will a winchester 3000+ optimize a 6800gt.


Senior member
Aug 26, 2004
So I've got $1200 to spend on a pc so if I go with a 6800gt all I can afford for the CPU is a 3000+ Winchester. Will this CPU run the video at close to what its capable of. I don't want to get them only to find out the gt can only run at 75% of its capability because the CPU is bogging it down, it'd be a waste of $$$.


Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
It may be a slight bottleneck, but probably you'll probably get nothing worse than 85 or 90% of the performance. At higher resolutions, your GPU will be the main bottleneck anyway. If you need to, Winchesters overclock very well and very easily.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It is going to depend at what resolution you play. Anything above 1280 should be gpu bottlenecked. I was testing how high I was able to push the htt on my abit and I set the the multiplier to 5 and the htt to 260 and I benched Doom 3 with my gt. At 2250 mhz I get 50 fps with the cpu running at 1300 mhz i got 44 fps. the 3000 runs at 1800 so you should be fine. Also you should be able to oc easily to 2.2 at least :)