Sorry to but in here, but I have a similar dilemma.
Have an old Elite Group P6BXT-A Mobo, Intel 810 chipset. Max FSB is 100MHz. Multiplier in bios only goes upto 8 on "Manual" setting. On "Auto" the thing only goes upto a 533Mhz chip, no option to play with multiplier in "Auto" configuration.
Can I go for a P3 1000e, or will I be forced to max-out at 800MHz cos of the max "manual" multiplier setting? I've been told the board should just auto-detect the new CPU's speed and run at 1GHz, but I'm a little dubious about that...
Hell, I'm not even sure if my old Diamond Viper 8Mb Graphics card will run at 100FSB, may only be able to handle the slovenly 66MHz I'm running at now! (I have a Celeron 400 @ 450