Wierd USB adaptor issue


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2005
Hello all,

I am installing Mac minis in a Kiosk environment and have ran into an issue with PS/2 - USB adapters. Here is the setup, The keyboard and integrated trackball that are installed in this exhibit are PS/2 and used to run G4 cubes. Since installing the Mac MIni if I have both the keyboard and mouse plugged into the adator only one will work. When i unplug the keyboad from the adaptor the mouse starts to work and vise versa.

i hope that makes sense, really can't explain it any better. My thought is that the keyboard/mouse is USB 1.1 and the Mac MIni is USB 2 but should it not be backward compatible? i have switched adaptors (Benkin) and there is no difference.

If anyone can give me the reason that would point me in the right direction to fix this.


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2005
I think I am have found the issue. Since I cannot have both the mouse ps/2 and the keyboard ps/2 plugged in at the sametime it points to a voltage issue. I am going to remove the converter and try just straight adaptors instead.

Thanks for no ideas.