why won't my system work in my new case?


Senior member
Sep 12, 2000
<FONT color=#006699>I just bought a Raidmax 268SDS ATX Mid Tower Case (w/ Front USB, Side Window, 2 Side Panel Fans, Silver) and transferred my old system into it. Anyway, I can't get the system to power up now and I'm out of troubleshooting ideas. I don't mean I don't have enough power out of my power supply. I mean when I press the Power button absolutely nothing happens. Is it possible the power switch button isn't wired correctly? Is there something I can do to check?

I'm not sure what they are called, but I installed several threaded posts (whatever those things are that screw into the case and that you set the mobo on to before putting the screws into them through the holes). Anyway, I installed several of those things, but I ran out of screws so a couple of them aren't being used. Is there any reason to think they might be short circuiting the board? That's the only other potential glitch I can think of. Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Aug 15, 2002
heres what i would do:

first try shorting the power switch pins on the motherboard with a screw driver (makes sure the button isnt broken)

next I'd clear the CMOS by removing the battery for like 30 second - a minute

next I'd try shorting other pins in the front panel pinouts on the motherboard (to make sure you have the right pins)

next id unplug the power supply from the motherboard and use a paper clip to connect the green wire to any of the black wires (to make sure the power suppply works) (dont try this if yer unsure what im talking about.)

next up, unplug everything from the motherboards except power, ie drives /cables and take out anyt ineccesary cards and try to start er up (this makes sure nothing is shorting it out)

next id take the motherboard out and try and run her outside the case with that power supply (this makes sure they work together and the motherboards not shorting)

next id reseat everything very carefuly, and maybe even put a couple pages of newspaper between the motherboard and case (more short proofing)

if still no go, id give up and climb a tower with a homemade parachute and some firecrackers


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
One time my compute wasnt powering up i did this

next id take the motherboard out and try and run her outside the case with that power supply (this makes sure they work together and the motherboards not shorting)

Just the motherboard, CPU, and heatsink. And it fired up! For some reason the second time I put in the case . . . it worked, go figure.

I never did this though:)

if still no go, id give up and climb a tower with a homemade parachute and some firecrackers


Senior member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Fixxors
heres what i would do: first try shorting the power switch pins on the motherboard with a screw driver (makes sure the button isnt broken) next I'd try shorting other pins in the front panel pinouts on the motherboard (to make sure you have the right pins)

how do you do this (the shorting the pins with a screwdriver)?



Aug 15, 2002
well, ya unplug the wires from the power switch and then touch both the pins on the motherboard at the same time with the tip o the screwdriver (or other conductive medium, slot cover, nail, whatevers handy). It simulates a closed switch.


May 23, 2002
even though you ran out of screws, make sure all of your "threaded posts" were placed in locations below a hole in the motherboard. If you have a post inserted in your case someplace where the motherboard isn't designed to have a screw, then that post is touching the underside of your motherboard and could be shorting it out.


Junior Member
Nov 11, 2001
I had a similar problem last week when I built my new system. I had the CMOS jumpers set to clear instead of normal.

Your power button switch cord is usally reversable so it doesn't what way you have that pluged in.

Also check the toggle switch on the back of the case to make sure it is on and that the red switch under that is set to 115v and not 220v.

Besides that, you might want to power up with just cpu, memory, and video card. **And you might even want to reseat Memory and Video Card just in case they got loose in the move somehow.

Hope that helps
